Saws are next. Bob Rozaieski has a good video on handsaws for beginners here which I agree with, but I have a couple of observations.
Bob is all hand tools, and I have learned a lot from him, but I choose to use some power tools and I think most beginners will want to as well. What is the best power saw to recommend to a beginner? I learned from my son, who is a first time homeowner. He had no interest in woodworking growing up and is just now accumulating a few tools. To my surprise, when he needed a saw, he bought a jigsaw. The more I thought about this, the more sense it made to me, particularly for a mostly hand tool woodworker. Like many, I sold my table saw but kept a good bandsaw as I transitioned. A jigsaw serves a similar purpose at much lower cost. Thinking about it as the only power saw for a beginning woodworker, I went out in the shop and tried a few straight rip and crosscuts using my jigsaw and a speed square. It worked pretty well and, with the plane, it could be cleaned up fine. I know this may seem like an odd choice, but, again, I am trying to lower the barriers to entry in time and cost.
One of the advantages of having the jigsaw is that it gives a beginning woodworker an interim solution while they look for and refurbish the set of hand saws Bob is talking about. That takes time. Where I live, hand saws seem to be the one vintage hand tool you can reliably find at low cost. The problem, of course, is sharpening them. When I acquired my handsaws, I was lucky to find a local sharpening service that still had the equipment and knowledge to do a basic job of retoothing and sharpening. It cost me less than $20 per saw. If I hadn't found them, I likely would have sent the saws to Bob. It's a lot easier to take up handsaw sharpening if you start from a good point. Once again, lowering a barrier to entry.
While the beginner is looking for handsaws, the first projects I have in mind can be built with the jigsaw. Or, they can just go to the hardware store and buy a $20 handsaw, which will be nice to have around for cutting plywood.
And spend enough money to get a good quality jigsaw. I couldn't believe the difference between my ancient loss-leader Black & Decker and the Bosch I finally got around to buying. Daylight and dark doesn't come close.