Friday, March 11, 2016

FDR chair: back together

It made sense to complete the back up to the point of rounding everything over and final scraping before moving on to the rest of the chair.  I spent an inordinate amount of time getting these joints to close simultaneously, but they finally did.  

I look at these pictures and at pictures of the original to see how well they match and just can't tell without completing the chair.  I can say that when you lay the back/legs against the full size photo, they seem to match up well.  Just have to wait and see I guess.

Incidentally, here is a photo I intended to share earlier:

When I was agonizing over whether I had gotten the templates right, I happened to notice my father-in-law's rocker, his favorite chair for decades.  It is extremely comfortable and I now enjoy sitting in it too.  On a hunch, I went and got my template; sure enough, they are a close match.  Wow!  This project has already taught me a great deal and one of the things it has taught me is that this side profile is a classic.  I'm thinking that Ray Neufer took the sketch he got from Margery Hoffman Smith, used a classic arts and crafts side profile and then shaped the front view to create the Timberline Arch.  If so, it was very clever and shows his mastery of the craft.  There is so much to great design that goes unnoticed, at least by me. 


  1. It is interesting to see that the unique FDR chair has a classic arts and crafts line. Is it possible that all "new" chair designs are just classic lines tweaked?

    Good job and I am enjoying the progress on the make it look almost easy!

  2. I see how the parts relate now that you have the back slats in place. For whatever reason I couldn't picture how the back legs would look and be oriented.

  3. Seeing that together has suddenly got me feeling way more invested in the final outcome. I'm thinking I may need one of these.
